Holly Chantal
Holly Chantal, High Ticket Sales Expert

Making 6 to 7 figures and finding yourself stuck?

It’s time to align your business with what’s next.

Whether you’re feeling called to something bigger or want your business to feel simple and reliable…

It’s time to get excited because I’ve helped hundreds of experienced service providers and coaches realign their offers, messaging, and business model with their next stage of business evolution. (And make exciting amounts of money – on their terms.)

Want to see how my clients add $20k-$40k/mo with marketing they’re already doing? And how you can do the same…

What if your current plateau is really a launchpad in disguise?

(Hint: it is 🤫 )

If you’ve reached this stage of growth, that means you’ve already done the hard part (and paid your dues along the way).

Sure, your business is doing well on paper and if you’ve found your way here, I’d guess…

Your business has either gone off track, or simply isn't aligned with the business owner you are NOW.

Maybe you relied on experts to show you the way.
Wasted time piecing together disjointed strategies.
Or have begun to take EVERY client who says YES.

And, guess what? It’s time to break out the cake (AND fork), because you CAN:

For 15+ years, I’ve helped hundreds of service providers and coaches enjoy ALL this delicious success in its calorie-packed (aka profitable) glory...

…Let's Blaze a Trail to What's Next Together

Liz headshot

“I wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without the messaging, sales page, offer language, program structure and all of the other things you’ve helped me with…”

I’ve been able to close five-figure contracts with universities, I’ve had over 100 people go through Sales School, my business model is now so streamlined I am working 10-20 hours a week!

— Liz Dederer


Message to Market Audit

Want someone to go through your marketing and tell you exactly why it’s not producing the number of clients you want?

I’ll analyze your entire marketing ecosystem, pinpoint weak areas, reveal messaging mismatches, and offer suggestions to optimize what you have in place.

The Trailblazers Collective

Looking to work with someone who will take the time to understand your business and find YOUR best path forward?

Trailblazers is a semi-private, done-with-you program designed to leverage your experience to multiply your revenue without burning yourself out!

Done for You Packages

If you’re ready for a strategic rebrand, know that you need stronger messaging, or want a high-ticket enrollment system you can rely on, AND you don’t want to do ANY of it yourself… 

Let’s talk! I offer custom done-for-you packages that can be tailored to your needs and goals.

“After just our second call I sold out my retreat – adding $25k of revenue that month with my new messaging. My new messaging is like the midas touch!”

— Patty Lennon


I’m a messaging and business model strategist who provides a blend of mentorship, consulting, and direct collaboration to help you integrate small, sustainable changes that make a huge difference — as you step into your next evolution as a business owner.

I’ve been around the block (a few times!), and I can find 10 ways to solve any problem. That means you have my “no-cookie-cutter” guarantee that I won’t try to fit you into a one-size-fits-all strategy or push for something that is out of alignment for you.

I do things differently than others in my industry. And I have a hunch, you do too.

For the last 15+ years, I’ve been the behind-the-scenes tactician for hundreds of service providers, coaches, and consultants who (like you?) reached a turning point in their business. I offer my clients expert support to uncover unseen opportunities, streamline their business model, and integrate the mindset shifts necessary to launch off their current plateau.

Ready to see what this would look like for YOUR business?

Holly Chantal
Lou headshot

“Who says old dogs can’t learn new tricks? I’ve been in business for 18 years. Within a few weeks of unveiling my new messaging and offer I sold my first high-ticket retainer package.”

Seriously, the back and forth with Holly, getting her input and reassurance during the final enrollment stages was key to making this leap – let alone how she’s helped me completely reposition my services!

— Lou

All my programs deliver:

CLARITY that brings your next level into sharp focus

If you feel like a dentist because everyday is like pulling teeth. Or you can’t even picture what that next level would look like. Let’s back up and get crystal on exactly WHAT’S happening. WHY the old tricks or expert advice stopped working. And HOW to create a clear path to your next level of growth

MESSAGING + SYSTEMS that create predictable lead flow

Get off the revenue rollercoaster and onto more stable ground. My frameworks are designed to create predictable cash flow with revenue booked months in advance. Together, we’ll implement systems that take very little effort to maintain, and messaging so laser focused it ONLY attracts ideal clients that you can’t wait to work with (and vice versa).

INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT that reduces the learning curve

At your level, low-touch groups or masterminds are going to be a waste of time. In my programs, you’ll experience what it’s like to have a true partner in your growth. Yes, you’ll have to do the work, BUT you’ll get the individual attention you need to SKIP the guesswork and know for SURE you’re on the right track.

What’s Next For YOU?

(Click each for client stories)

Ready to lean into what lights YOU up and step into your next evolution of growth? Then you are just one call away.

Click below to apply for a FREE consultation call and let’s see if we’re a magical fit.